Motivation and Practice Ideas

“A Special Martial Arts Bundle — 48 hours ONLY!”


What’s Keeping You From Serious Practice and Noticeable Improvement?

Look, I really do know what it’s like to have “things” get in the way of your martial arts improvement. For each person, there seems to be a different reason. If you’re not practicing or taking lessons the way you want to be, then something in particular is stopping you:

  • You don’t have enough time
  • You can’t find a good martial arts school
  • You don’t have a training partner
  • You don’t have the money to take lessons
  • You lack the motivation to continue — or start — classes
  • PLUS 52 other reasons you aren’t focused on training and improving

Did you know that I’m about to take my own advice?

Keith-PascalA year ago, I had spine surgery, and just when I was ready to start training again, I got a case of the creeping crud (I think it was pneumonia). My current status is that I’m sorely out of shape, and my reactions aren’t where they should be.

I want to ease back into the world of martial arts improvement, but … well … where should I start? I don’t currently have a class going.

Normally, I’d rationalize that I was just settling in for the winter months and would get around to training in six months or so, but this time … it’s different.

After a bout of illness, I really do feel particularly out of shape.

I don’t want to scramble next spring, and try to shed pounds, and quickly get my chops back in the world of martial arts. Emergency, crunch-time training never works the way we want it to, anyway. I need a steadier, reasonable timeframe process….

I figure that if I start now, I can go at a snails pace at first, and still see some incredible results by next summer. As the months progress, and as I regain my skills, I’ll be able to pick up training speed. What I need now is a big dose of motivation and some ways around my training impediments.

So, I decided to take my own advice. I’m looking to my own writing for answers and ways to get me going. And I put together an epackage … it starts with motivation.

You get three ebooks on motivation, to get you started:

fight-motivation   1) Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt: Motivation  for Martial Artists (80 Pages)

2) Avoiding Martial-Arts Burnout with Barbecues, Tune-Ups, and Downloads (19 Pages)

3) Major Martial Improvements: 5 Goals in 30 Days (23 Pages)

“The Second Half of The ePackage Is Even Better”

The Best Way To Fire Yourself Up with Enthusiasm Is To Read Inspiring, Practical, Martial-Arts Articles …

Wouldn’t you agree? If you don’t have this collection, then you have to take advantage of this offer of 100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles. Plus, I have 10 Pressure Point Articles to Add to the Mix … And just for fun, I’m going to reread (and include for you) a copy of The Batman and Bruce Lee Boo Boo. It’s a fun, quick read that will remind you a specific way to make your fighting more efficient: practical-martial-arts-articles 4) 100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles (219 Pages)

5) 10 Pressure-Point Articles (27 Pages)

6) Batman and Bruce Lee Boo Boo (9 Pages) 

keith_pascal-2You know me, and you know the way I write. I like to emphasize useful information about practical self-defense.And I aways strive to avoid writing the same ol’ same ol’ — Really. Normally, I’d sell a package of all these downloads for over $40.

And without any hype, I’m sure you’d agree it’s worth every penny.

For the next couple of days, you can download ALL 6 EBOOKS for ONLY $7. No kidding!



Thank you so much for Martial Arts Motivation.

When you contact us as to what you had planned for this book, I felt no great enthusiasm. You were asking all of your subscribers, what their greatest challenge or problem was in the martial arts. I questioned what could I get out of this book.

I should have known, if it was a Keith Pascal book it would be worth it!

There are so many useful ideas in this ebook, I can’t pin point just a few. I know when I reread each challenge or problem the answers will have new meaning.

I know I will develop other suggestions as well.

Let me start off by saying the sentence, “Imagine that I am right here, with you… We are having a casual conversation, where you get to ask me anything you want about the arts.” That was perfect. I don’t know any other martial arts author that can come close to your style.

There were so many “a-ha” moments for me. Some that grabbed me: On page 76- “Look, martial arts is in you. It’s the air you breathe. It’s part of your make up.”

On page 69- “My fellow martial-arts classmates used to laugh at me, at the end of class. Why? Because I took notes on what we had just learned.” (I used to take notes starting when I was a white belt. These notes eventuraly helped me during one of the written black belt requirements. I strongly suggest to all of my students to take notes. Not all do, however.)

On page 66- “I want you to start punching 500+ times a day. Every day, please. It’s good for you. It will h„elp you improve, and even keep your arms in shape… Are you going to take my advice?Aw, come on! Keith is advising it. Isn’t that good enough?” (This was fantastic motivation for me.

At first I said to myself, “I can’t punch 500+ every day.” Ha! I found out I can. I even used a variation I came up with for my students. They loved it. Variations are fantastic. I have even more in mind!) “Make martial arts the “taking care of yourself” part of your life.”

This says it all for me. Thanks for caring.

Hope you write a sequel soon. —

Diane D. Calise style- Ryu Te Do rank- Second degree black belt Training over 8 years Owner of Ryu Te Do Martial Art Academy


This offer will change sometime on November 21, 2014.

Download your copies now …


(Reg. Price $40+)  Now Only, $7


($40+)   $7

I’m going to start my training with this two-pronged approach. I’ll focus both on motivation (removing all the roadblocks to martial-arts success) AND I’m going to add bunches of practical fighting and training advice to my training sessions.It’s time to take my own advice.I’m going to be ready by Spring of 2015. What about you?

PS Remember, the price WILL change on Friday. You get ALL of the following for only $7:

1) Get Off Your Butt and Kick Some Butt: Motivation  for Martial Artists (80 Pages)

2) Avoiding Martial-Arts Burnout with Barbecues, Tune-Ups, and Downloads (19 Pages)

3) Major Martial Improvements: 5 Goals in 30 Days (23 Pages)

4) 100 Practical Martial-Arts Articles (219 Pages)

5) 10 Pressure-Point Articles (27 Pages)

6) Batman and Bruce Lee Boo Boo (9 Pages)  If you don’t already own these and you can afford SEVEN BUCKS, then you have to take advantage of this deal — right?

If you don’t, then my bet is that you aren’t really serious about being a skilled martial artist.

Do what it takes!


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