Security Guard Training

Category Winner: Easiest to Navigate Security Guard Training Site (1st place)

Now, here’s a site you can sink your teeth into. This is what an information site for security guard training should look like.

The site is straightforward — table of contents prominent and recent article posts below that. Nice.

Across the top, below the banner, you’ll find a nav bar. As I said, easy to navigate.

Kudos to “John” for his efforts. He understands that to sell product, you have to provide good information first. And he’s very up front about the bold product links embedded in the articles. Honesty is good.

If I had one criticism it’s the difficulty in following or connecting with them on the social websites. While they have buttons to share any given page with Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, it’s hard if not impossible to find their presence simply to follow them.

[content_box_blue width=”75%”]Note: This is a reminder that I need to make my social buttons more prominent, agreed?[/content_box_blue]

All in all, a very good site and we are honored to include them on the Top 50 Security Guard Websites of 2012.


[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Check out the other Top 50 Security Guard Training Sites[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]